Silent Once Again
Yeah it's been awhile (though who really cared about this blog in the first place?). To be honest I didn't have much to write that I haven't said before. And to be honest, I don't even know if I bring anything new to the table right now. But I'm going to try, because I feel like something's lost once again.
Yes, it's 9/11. Or at least it was, depending on when you're reading this. And, I mean, I feel like I'm repeating myself. Did anyone mention it? No. Did anyone even attempt to come near it? No. There were a few news stories about it, but of course they weren't the top stories. No, we've got allegedly gay senators and status on Britney at the VMA's (which, if you missed, well, you're better off). It's turning into Pearl Harbor. That seems to be a foregone conclusion. In less than the time it took for most Americans to forget when that day occurred, one of the most important days in history, mind you, most Americans will forget 9/11. September 11 will mean nothing. It's sad; it's dishonorable; it's incredible.
Ask anyone, I'm an America lover. I don't agree with the whole putting Americans down "because we're stupid Americans." Sure we may not be loved in the world right now, but that doesn't mean we have to disrespect ourselves. I guess I just keep getting disappointed by people. To think that I would not hear ANYone ask or talk about 9/11 at all only SIX years after it; I almost don't believe it. But that's what happened. What did you do today? Did you read about it, and shrug it off? "Oh, today's 9/11." Or did you take time to remember those heroes that fell; did you take time to remember that however direct or indirect the cause, it still had something to do with Iraq, and thus did you take time to thank those brave soldiers who are still there now? You didn't have to do it so that everyone could see it. But you could have just taken one minute, thirty seconds even, and just think about it, couldn't you? Apparently not. Seriously, search yourselves. I'd be willing to bet many of you did exactly what most people did: say "Oh, today's 9/11" and then go on worrying about how bad your life is.
Newsflash: if you're reading this, your life is not that bad.
I even found myself complaining about trivial things that I knew were going to happen, and yet I STILL complained about them. But today was different. Today complaints were null, void to me. I sickened myself by doing it.
I know I seem to be quite angry; and I'll be honest I am. The current state of things is absolutely horrendous; and I'm not talking where I look down on everyone, and criticize everyone. Hell, I've said it: I'm guilty of many things. But seriously, look at what's going on: partisan politics are at an all-time insanity; everyone hates everyone; there's something wrong with everything; we love drama way too much; we love celebrity way too much; we obsess about things that do not matter, and we know it. We want everyone to feel sorry for us, because we feel like no one ever looks out for us. I know, because I've done that. And I hate it when I do.
So what are we to do? I'm an optimist. I may be considered a "nice" person. Because you know what? The world doesn't need another angry cynic. I try to do what's right, and though I don't always succeed, I truly believe in doing what's right. Feel free to criticize me; you're not going to change me. I'm sorry. I'm here to stay.
All in all, how can this one day bring this out? I honestly don't know. I don't think America will change. But I hope that it will. I really do believe in the goodness of people. If that hurts me, if that destroys me, so be it. But I will not sit idly by as people disrespect the fallen beloved. They are the ones that deserve it all. So if you didn't remember 9/11, maybe now you will.
you know what solidifies it all? you left the comment at 9:11...weird mike
who's that? And I did? must have not given the right time cuz I know I wrote it later...but seriously who are you
Definitely agree with how Americans need to stop "disrespecting" themselves. It runs rampant in most places but especially in college.
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