Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh Yeah I'll Grind YOUR Gears

Well well well. In truth, I did not expect to be back here. I mean, my last post was about Paranormal Activity almost a year ago (and they're making a sequel? For shame). Yes, I still use parentheses. Yes, I may make irreverent comments at times. And yes (I tend to say things in threes), I actually am writing in this blog once more. Why? WHY? What do you mean why? Oh...right. Basically, I need to vent. I don't have many people, if any (and that was really pitiful I did not mean for it to sound that way I just know I hate to vent to actual people because I would rather make them laugh instead of make them "listen"), to vent to, so I figure hey a computer screen is almost the same nowadays, right? Right. Yes, the grinding of the gears in the title implies some sort of complaining/ranting, but I like to explain things. Don't you?

In the world today, throughout the media and really life in general, it seems we have gone from "political correctness" to "don't say anything about anyone at any time because it might offend/hurt/be the truth/be actually what you mean about them." I see this more and more on TV, and to give a specific example, with athletes. Why is it when, for instance, a reporter were to ask a player or a coach at the END of a game, not even in the middle, "What was the key thing that led you guys to victory?" What's the response you get the majority of the time? "Well we just played as a team. We were confident. We just did well on offense and stopped them on defense." Thanks for that wonderfully specific comment Mr. Favre (did I say Favre?). Why is it that we aren't allowed to answer questions any more? I even found myself doing it once during some random-ass class assignment. Someone asked me a question, to give my opinion on something, and I responded "It depends." IT DEPENDS? What kind of idiotic response is that? We're all so protective of some unknown integrity when we talk any more it's like we just constantly add on to one big lie. I wish I knew where this all started but I don't. All I know is it bugs the SHIT out of me and when I catch myself doing it I give my brain a slap and try to answer with something REAL.

Perpetrators: Tiger Woods (still my man), Brett Favre (just say you sent those texts to that "massage therapist"), 99% of coaches of any sport (Bill Belichick for sure) and oh yeah POLITICIANS

Another thing, and this may be because I have just had enough of school in general, is when teachers just flat out lie to your face. It has happened since kindergarten, well maybe not then because let's be honest, if you didn't already know everything kindergarten had to teach before you even took it then you probably were Sarah Palin or Paris Hilton or Roger Clemens (these out of date, stupid celebrity references doing anything for you?). But my favorite statement that I hear, over and over, is "Oh on the test we won't try to trick you." HA HA HA HA HA. Really? You expect me to believe that? Show me a multiple choice question that DOESN'T contain the choices "E. All of the above F. None of the above" and THEN I'll believe you are not trying to trick me. I would almost (almost) be okay with it if they just directly told us, "Look these test questions are made for you to MISS them. If you get them right it's like you beat the system." Do not give me four answers that all sound correct and then two answers that just make me doubt my own intelligence and say, "Oh this is straightforward." Because it's NOT. It just isn't, and the thing is they all know it too. Which is why I would love it if someone just said it, instead of fooling everyone, including themselves, into thinking they are trying to "help" us.

And now, I am rereading what I have written (it's fairly short at least), and my GOD is it self-indulgent. Maybe that's what I need though, a little self-indulgence (Monopoly at McDonald's does not count...that's mandatory). I worry what people will think once they read what I have written but I also know that I need to write. I need to write...pff. Listen to that. Even THAT is self-indulgent. But still that's me. Why, I do not know. I have always had the urge to write whether people think it's good (please!) or bad (more likely). When I speak, all that comes out is pretty much a mix of several personalities I have taken from various movies and TV shows, throw in healthy doses of sarcasm and cursing, along with a little idiocy, and you've got my spoken language. But when I write, I feel like I can at least explain myself. And what do you know, I connected the end with the beginning. Sometimes I amaze even myself.

Okay NOW you can go "wow...what a douche."


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