Tuesday, December 19, 2006

And By P.C. I Mean Piece of Crap

First of all, whenever you DO do an acronym, "of" and "the" are rarely included, right?

Moving on.

Nation, I come from a dying breed. I am a white (VERY, my skin would probably blind you without proper UV protection), White (oh NOW my hair color makes sense), conservative (nail in the coffin) Catholic (wait, THAT'S the nail in the coffin). I do not, under any circumstances, consider myself racist, prejudice, whatever. That just isn't right. However, it is in this CHRISTMAS season that the issue of political correctness rises again. I mean, to be honest, the very mention of "Merry Christmas" garners awkward looks and shadows of guilt cast down upon oneself. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised to hear a Priest say "Happy Holidays" as opposed to Satan's requiem "Merry Christmas."

Why, you ask?

POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Instead of accepting all cultures within the bounds of freedom of speech, that's First Amendment folks, we force everyone into a melting pot where Christmas is the new incest (suppressed memories). And for some reason, Christmas is the one that you absolutely, swear to Buddha, cannot say. I mean if you say anything else, well that's nice, you're accepting, but Merry Christmas, I'm a bigot! I mean, if we want to be accepting, let people say what they want to say, not make everyone say the same thing. If people want to say Happy Hanukah, then let them! If people WANT to say Happy Holidays, that's fine! If people WANT TO SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS, let them. I have even accepted that the break of school isn't even called Christmas Break anymore, in favor of Winter Break, I'm even ok with that, but do not force me to stop saying Merry Christmas because I am Catholic (or any Christian, for that matter, though the next joke wouldn't apply) and of course ALL of our priests are pedophiles, therefore Catholics are bad, insane people. Am I saying Catholicism is perfect? Oh my GOD no. But if you want to be accepting of everyone else, then let me, for whoever's sake, say Merry Christmas with no bullets through my chest. My religion has done enough of that.

See, I can even make fun of myself.

Merry Christmas...Try to be merry...it's the one time of year that you actually are allowed to do so...