Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Mike White vs. Tuesday.

Okay Tuesday. Enough! I swear to God, I'm going to hit you. I don't know what it is, but for some reason, Tuesday just does not seem to like me. It doesn't necessarily hate me, it just likes to annoy me. It's like that little brother (or sister, sorry I MUST be sexist) who puts his (or her, again I APOLOGIZE) finger in front of your face and says, "I'm not touching you." And you respond, "You'd better get that damn finger out of my face before I go Beatrix Kiddo on your ass and..." well if you know who Beatrix Kiddo is, then you know what I mean.

Again, it was not a "bad day." Some things are just, annoying. I mean, they are MY fault. So I have a right to at least voice MY stupidity, not the stupidity of others (though the latter is often more fun to do). Here we go.

Last night, that's Monday, I was watching Boston Legal (3 episodes back to back to back on DVD), and I just was hungry the entire night. From eating an entire sleeve of Ritz crackers (putting peanut butter on them, OBVIOUSLY), to 3 bowls of Frosted Flakes (they really are grrrrRRREAT), to half a box of Cheez-Its (so freakin' addicting!) and topping it off with, what was it, ah yes, peaches (sliced). I just was hungry all night. So I go to bed at around 3, 3:30 (A.M. folks). I wake up the next day, and well, let's just say I regretted binge eating. My stomach was in complete knots all day and never seemed to settle down. It was like a toddler who ate 1 M&M, just completely restless. So from the constant "Well I COULD vomit right now but I don't really think I need to, do I?" to the "Holy freaking GOD I have to pee" it was an interesting day, physiologically speaking.

Anyway, first class, again, as you probably know from last time, Biology Recitation. Another practice quiz. Except this time, I get a rather ambiguous question about inherited traits on the X and Y chromosome (I won't bore you with the details). I attempt to give a smart, well-researched answer. Woops, it was a trick question. The professor chuckles, happy that she made me blush (I didn't squirm, I kept my ground). Oh well, moving on.

I go back to my room, get a coffee (which I didn't spill this time), and just kind of lay around for 45 minutes until Chemistry. Ughh...gluttony, sloth in 2 days? I'm on the fast track to Satan (technically I'm already there, I'm pretty sure 1 deadly sin is enough to do it). But seriously, Lois, time for Chemistry.

Walk in. Literally the SECOND I walk in, something's wrong. Out of place. It's me. Dammit. 12:30, Tuesday January 16. I was SUPPOSED to meet with my Biology Lab Professor (really nice lady, to be honest). It's actually required. Guess what time it is now. That's right, 1 P.M. That's 30 minutes late. Considering the meeting is supposed to be 15 minutes long, I don't think it's good to walk out of the class right in front of the professor who, by the way, is saying "Hello Mike." How? I am normally (normally) pretty responsible and I hate to just randomly forget things. What happened? (Satan...?)

Okay. We can still save this. I've got 15 minutes (Chemistry/Statistics hiatus). There are email kiosks right outside of the Chemistry lecture hall. I'll email Ms. Barbieri (that's the Lab professor) and tell her I am an idiot, completely irresponsible. But wait a minute, the "o", the "l", the "i", the "e", the "shift", and the "spacebar" (alright I overused "") take about 5 strokes to register. An email that normally would take all of, at the most, 3 minutes, 5.67 seconds, now takes 9 minutes, 9.87 seconds (trust me, those numbers don't lie). What was a very well-thought apology now turns into a short excuse with no capital letters (hitting Caps Lock constantly would take even longer). Alright, well, make do, I'll figure it out in Stat, because Lord knows I don't pay attention in that class.

So after Statistics, stomach still wrenching (I wish it would just shut up), I get a response, then I re-respond, making a much better case. She re-re-responds and tells me to relax, she's sure I'm responsible. Okay, problem pretty much solved (meet DEFINITELY on Thursday at 12 noon).

So Tuesday, what's up with you? What did I do to you? I mean, sure, I called you the worst day of the week on numerous occasions, but what's a few "Tuesday is the worst day of the week" insults between friends? So you don't want to be friends anymore. Alright. You get ready, Tuesday January 23, it's going to be the best freakin' day of my life. I probably just screwed myself didn't I? Yeah...yeah I did. You know, I wasn't born with this stupidity. I learned it from...well I don't know. Anyway, I can't really complain. Life's good right now. It's busy, it's crazy, but I love it. I can't really complain. Which reminds me, American Idol AND Boston Legal are on tonight. If you've never seen Boston Legal, you really do owe it to yourself to witness the greatest thing ever created. I'm NOT hyperbolizing, nor am I sarcastic. At ALL.

Denny Crane...

Tuesday, January 09, 2007


You've all had them. Come on. You know it. Just those days where one little thing leads to another little thing. I mean sure, you get through it. But it's more annoying then anything else. It's not really a "bad" day (I do not carry much sympathy for you people who insist that 7/8 days in a week are bad; yeah, there are 8 days, and you know what you thought of the 8th day, it was BAD); it's just, I don't know...(the title of this blog maybe?).

Okay. Scene 1: You go to a recitation, we'll call it Biology 2, FOUNDATIONS of Biology 2, to be exact, and everyone's got this practice quiz that you had to print out. Oh, that's right, you had to print it out to have it. No, telekinesis doesn't work...yet (come on Apple). You have to print it yourself.

It's alright though. You had an easy question (What does "haploid" mean?) and the last half of class didn't use it. But still, you were unprepared and you just feel stupid. ESPECIALLY when it was the day you finally decided to wear your sweater from Express that you got with a giftcard from said store which you normally don't shop in because it's expensive but now of course you love the store because things aren't ripped. Anyway, next stop? Back home, picking up a coffee on the way.

Now there's a little bright spot. FINALLY your Dragonball Z game for Wii comes that you ordered online with a gift card (they didn't have it in the store, duh). So you get that, and decide to grab some coffee, along with a doughnut. You sign in and you're walking, and dammit, you spill a little coffee on your hand (brewed to roughly 8700 degrees C). It's alright though, you've got a half hour at best with your new videogame.

Alright, time to load up for back to back to (well there's a 45 minute hiatus here, but who's counting?) back Chemistry 2 (GENERAL Chemistry 2, for God's SAKE keep up!), Stat (Basic Applied Statistics) and finally Seminar in Composition: Film. Alright, packed up, got everything? Yeah, you do.

Climb Everest to find a seat in Chevron for Chemistry with the lively Dr. Pratt (he's a pretty sweet teacher). Get your folder out, with...the...oh, yeah, you kind of need your folder to get your folder out. You search your bag as if it's now three times its normal size, but you know it isn't there (later you WILL see it, tucked under your bed). Oh well, his lectures aren't that tough anyway. Again you survive.

Alright off to Stat. Fifteen minutes is longer than you thought. You can stroll nicely. Alright, so the class is about bar graphs and tables. Do your homework during it (remember you have a Wii game waiting after class). Oh yeah, don't forget the girl asking what the difference between a sample and population is 3 times. 3.

Okay. 45 minutes equals 20 Chick-Fil-A nuggets and waffle fries. Eat it nice and slow, you've got time. You know what, there is SOME sort of reading assignment (35 pages) for Comp, let's just see what it is. Before you even OPEN the folder, ha ha, it's due today, isn't it? In a word...yes. Read 10 pages, you get away with it in lecture.

Alright alright, you made it, yeah! Amidst this pathetic, self-absorbed dribble a story presents itself on the news. A story so extraordinary it requires SOME recognition.

On December 4, 2006, in Iraq, an enemy grenade entered Ross McGinnis' Humvee. 4 of his friends were below. Now, there was ample time for McGinnis to get away. A wise move, wouldn't you say? However, in an absolutely incredible act of heroism, he threw himself on top of the grenade, saving his friends, being killed instantly in the process.

Amidst all of our insignificant little troubles, our little squabbles, no one can even begin to complain legitimately. About anything. Look at Ross McGinnis. I know there are some who will say "He was stupid, he should have got out." But how unselfish, how heroic, how GREAT his action is! We pity him for death. But if there is any sort of heaven, any sort of good afterlife, McGinnis is one of the first in line. He looks down; I HOPE he is disappointed at how pathetic we are at this point. He deserves all the honor, all the glory we can give. Whatever your opinion on anything, you cannot deny such sacrifice. Would you do the same? I say I would. Though I cannot put myself in that situation, if 4 of my friends, my comrades, my brothers (hell I could name them) were down there, I would certainly die for them. No questions, no thought. No glory required, no recognition. I would only hope to save them; I would hope they are happy. I know my situation is hypothetical, and I can't even begin to comprehend the duress of the situation, and it is in this fact that McGinnis is all the better. Nevertheless, would you do the same?

Oh yes, the President speaks tomorrow. You should watch, regardless of your political affinity. It is our duty to at least be informed.

Sometimes, life is just backwards (oh THAT'S what the title is)...